Be a Mentor
Pass on your skills and knowledge to lift up future generations of machinists.
Why mentorship?
Having a structured mentorship system is a key component of an effective workforce development strategy. Never has this been more critical than today, with the vast numbers of workers moving to retirement and a broad base of young diverse workers joining the workforce — particularly in the trades where the vast majority of learning takes place on the job.
The Machinists Institute mentorship program is an opportunity for apprentices and journeypersons to engage in peer-to-peer knowledge and skill transfer, acting as stewards for their trade.
Mentorship Matters
We’ve partnered with Mentorship Matters, a nationally-recognized program that helps employers and employees share their skills and knowledge on the job through a structured mentorship program.
Mentorship Matters has two tracks: one for apprentices, and one for experienced workers. Both are tested and used by industry across North America. If you’re an employer who would like to ensure the knowledge and skills of your workforce is passed on to new employees, contact us to learn more about the Mentorship Matters program.
Targeted at early learners, this workshop provides beginner apprentices with skills and strategies for success in both technical training and on the jobsite.
Participants will:
Learn effective communication strategies, including intergenerational communication strategies, to maximize on-the-job learning opportunities
Identify various learning styles and associated strategies to gain the most from verbal and practical instruction
Understand and implement goal-setting techniques to enhance training
“This training gave me the opportunity to reflect on my work since I started and realize ways to improve myself. Great examples and discussions; added extra motivation towards my apprenticeship.”
Experienced Workers
Targeted at experienced workers, this workshop provides late-term apprentices, journeyworkers, foremen and above with the leadership skills, strategies and essential tools to mentor and effectively transfer their knowledge and skills to new workers on the jobsite.
Participants will:
Understand the responsibilities of a mentor and on-the-job leader and create a safe environment for new workers to practice their skills
Learn the six-step approach to teaching skills that includes techniques for demonstrating, evaluating and providing feedback, including intergenerational communication strategies
Improve skills transference and productivity of apprentices and new workers
“It was clearly presented in an engaging format. The presentation wasn’t dry and it didn’t feel like I was being overloaded. I found it a very valuable use of my Saturday afternoon and I look forward to using my new skills in the workplace.”
Share your trade and help grow the future workforce
The ambassadors program inspires young people to consider careers in the trades through community outreach and personal experience.
Who should participate:
Apprentices or Journeypersons excited about their trade and eager to share the benefits of a machinist career at outreach events while gaining skills in leadership, recruitment and community service. Our vision is to facilitate a team of credible messengers to share their personal experience with diverse audiences across the state. A kit of resources with an informational video has been developed for the ambassador program.
Ambassador requirements:
Transportation to outreach events most convenient to the ambassador’s location
Commitment to growing the diversity of the construction workforce
Commitment to attend two to three outreach events annually
Share outreach experience on social media
Recruit other ambassadors