Get Started
Your talent, trained your way, to meet your specific needs! Whether you need to recruit a diverse talent pool, develop highly skilled employees or upgrading current employees, the Machinists Institute is ready to help you achieve your goals with:
Registered Apprenticeship
Employability Skills
Digital Fluency
Safety training
Current Employee Upskill training
Leadership Training
New employee boot camps
Talent pipeline development
Recruitment and Retention
Investing in worker training and development can improve your company’s profit growth.
Bersin by Deloitte and ATD both agree that top companies (defined as “mature companies” by Bersin and “BEST companies” by ATD) allocate more money to talent development than other companies. Mature companies spend 34 percent more on training and development than their less mature counterparts (Bersin, 2014). These high impact learning organizations reap the benefits of investing in training and development by financially outperforming their peers. They earn a profit growth three times that of their competitors (Bersin, 2012).
Worker training increases engagement
A recent study by WorkTrends found other benefits as well. The survey asked employees from 97 organizations to rate their training and development experiences in 2012. The survey found that employee engagement levels in organizations that scored the highest on training and development were 40 percent higher than employee engagement scores in organizations that scored the lowest in training and development.
Registered Apprenticeship helps you recruit, train, and retain highly skilled employees
Registered Apprenticeship is an “earn and learn” training model that combines work-based learning with related classroom instruction using the highest industry standards. When you establish a Registered Apprenticeship program, you develop a world-class workforce and enhance your company’s bottom line.
The Machinists Institute is ready to help you leverage the power of apprenticeship to grow your workforce.
Services to support your employees
Life happens.
Our holistic approach understands the unique needs of our students in all phases of life. We may be able to help your employees access quality child care, mental health resources and other support services.
We developed an extensive network of community based organizations to support students who find themselves needing access to resources. That way, you can focus on operating your business knowing your employees can access the support they need.