Christina Riley


Christina is a Labor and Tribal Liaison, a training and apprenticeship specialist, as well as a Journeyman Construction Craft Laborer. She is a Haida & Tlingit enrolled tribal member who was born in Juneau Alaska.

In the early 2000's she joined the Laborers apprenticeship program and became a journeyman. She spent several years in the field working in several different scopes, moving into training as an apprenticeship coordinator, and working as a labor leader as a tribal liaison.

In 2021 she set her sights on new aspirations and started her own company, Christina Riley Consulting, LLC where she has helped her clients develop new registered apprenticeship programs, as well as continue to grow relationships in the region.

Christina is a Board Member for Pacific Mountain Workforce Development Council, a Co-Chair to the Priority Populations, as well as the Co-Chair for the Washington State Apprenticeship Training Councils Tribal Liaison Sub-Committee. Christina is excited to partner with the Machinists Institute in expansion within the Southwest Washington Region.


Rusty Oliver, Welding Instructor


David Reeves, Lead Instructor, SW Washington